
ITM presents a group singing competition based on the TV Show Friends!
Grab your mates, some coffee, and register for this fun group competition.
Will you be the team to bag The Geller Cup?

Registration is Closed

Registration Closes 23rd October 2022

Registration Information

In order to register for the competition you will need;

  • A team consisting of 6-12 people (there are no substitutions in this comp, so please ensure you bring enough people to ensure that you have at least 6 team members able to sing each round)
  • Someone nominated as a team leader
  • Name, Smule ID & Line IDs for all of your team members
  • A registration song (which will not be judged) with all your team members (and no one else) on it. Any song of any length is acceptable. Can be an old song.
  • You may use a Team Smule Account, but the registration song MUST have been opened with it.
  • Have read the rules, agree to them, and ensure that all your team have also read them.
  • Once you have completed all of the above - REGISTER!


TOW the Internet Karaoke will be a fun group competition open to all smule users.

  • 5 Rounds
  • 7 days to prepare and sing each round.
  • A minimum of 6 team members must sing each round, you may bring a team of 12.
  • This is a NON-ELIMINATION Competition. This means that as long as you submit each round, no teams are eliminated.
  • Each week teams will receive detailed critiques, but scores will be withheld until the final result.
  • There will be a focus on TEAMWORK and CREATIVITY in the judging rubric.
  • Rounds are based on the TV Show so it's helpful if you're a Friends fan, but we will give enough information so that you can compete without the need for in-depth knowledge.